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Note to self.

Layout circa 2004.
Yesterday I took a cue from Ali Edwards (yes, another one LOL) and I took a look back at Hannah's baby layouts. Thinking about what I like about them, what I'd like to do differently in William's album. And it was pretty clear - over and over again, I'd like to see more of the story. I remember feeling like I had this big stack of cute baby pictures and "nothing to say." And to a certain extent, that's still true today, especially with the event photos that I take every year. I've come to accept that sometimes it's okay not to have any words. Like at the pumpkin patch or Easter egg hunt. Unless, of course, something newsworthy happens that year.

My scrapbooking process almost always starts with the photos. The exception to that might be when I'm completing an assignment for a class, or if I'm particularly inspired by a product or a layout I see somewhere. But for the most part, I begin with my photos. Not just because some of them are really good, or because I'm emotionally connected to them, but sometimes I think partly because of the sheer number of them. But what if... What if I start with the story? How many stories remain untold, because I "have to" document all the major annual events of our lives?

I think it's time to start writing!

1 comment:

  1. It's so true! I have a list of stories that I want to tell, but somehow the ones with cute photos always work their way to the top. Time to tell more stories!


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